Verena Pratissoli

350 kr.   45 min.


  Hjem: 2920 Charlottenlund


Personlig beskrivelse

I studied classical piano in Italy and Austria and graduated in piano performance, instrumental pedagogy and piano accompaniment. As a professional high school piano teacher and accompanist with 15 years experience, I last year moved to Denmark with my partner and our baby and am happy now to resume my professional activity here in Charlottenlund/Copenhagen.

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Uddannelse og baggrund

In Italy, my home country, I hold a bachelor and master degree in classical piano performance. In addition, I attended a postgraduate course in Lied, chamber music and piano repertoire in Vienna, at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst. In Italy I also got my teaching licence and completed a second master in piano accompaniment. I started my teaching experience both at music school and lower secondary school and then got a permanent position at the musical high school in Bolzano. As an accompanist I gathered experience accompanying students at their concerts, singers for auditions and competitions and also at the Landestheater Linz (Austria) and the state Opera in Szeged (Hungary).

Musikunderviser Verena Pratissoli

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